Monday, June 8, 2009

Our Trip, so far

Well, we made the first leg of our trip yesterday afternoon/evening.  There were no major mishaps, and everyone arrived in Tennessee in one piece!  Traveling with Bella was much better than I thought it would be--she didn't meow the whole time or anything, and she even managed to use her litter box in the car one time at a rest stop.  She was miserable though, and she scratched my sister at one point--poor La!  Bella has somewhat settled into our hotel here, and I am sincerely hoping she will be easy to catch when we get ready to leave this morning.

As for all of my stuff, well, ALMOST all of it fit in our cars, which I think is an impressive feat!  I had given up the idea of bringing my huge TV along, so that stayed behind.  And I left behind 3 boxes of various holiday decorations that we won't be needing anytime soon (including, unfortunately, my pink Christmas tree!).  However, we are lucky to know that Ben's sister and her boyfriend are willing to drive out after the wedding and bring any stuff we've left behind.  Thank goodness, because I know I couldn't make it through the Christmas season without that tree. :-)

I drove the whole way yesterday (which wasn't bad at all), but I am looking forward to relaxing a bit as Laura drives some this morning.  We're going to leave here pretty early, and we hope to arrive in St. Louis mid-afternoon.  Here's to hoping that this leg of the trip is as a good as the first one was.  I hope to have a post soon with some pictures of our adventures!

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