Friday, November 5, 2010

It's Friday!

Fall tree at our apartments

I am just so glad Friday is here. This week hasn't been too long, but I've felt a little bit like I've been spinning my wheels trying to get things done. Luckily, I had a very productive day at work yesterday, I'm prepared for next week, and should be ORGANIZED for the coming months. Silly as it is, really, I've been feeling all disorganized because I got a new planner for 2011 (Yes, 2011. No, I can't believe it!). So some of my stuff for our next quarter was in my old planner, some was in my new, and I couldn't keep it all straight. And my old planner has been my LIFELINE at work for almost a year now. As in, if it got lost, there is seriously no other place all my commitments are written down (scary, huh??). So I wasn't in a huge hurry to give it up. And my new planner, although gorgeous, wasn't working for me like I had envisioned it would. SO, I sucked it up and gave up some of the features of my new planner, made it basically the same as my old planner, transferred EVERYTHING (yes, I checked and re-checked), and now I'm ready to roll for the next few months.

Yes, this is my life. Why, yes, I am a librarian. Organization matters!! :-)

Anyway, since you're probably now bored to death from all of that, here is a slightly less boring visual.

Old, standard planner

This month's stuff

Shiny, new PINK planner

This month's stuff

I have a workshop today for work, so I'm hoping it will be useful and fun. And it means I get out EARLY instead of staying my usual HOUR LATE for Fridays!! Woohoo! And we have plans to try a new recipe for dinner tonight. So I'm looking forward to today.

And I can't leave without wishing my very best friend in the whole world a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today. I so wish we could celebrate together, Jen Leigh, but I hope you have a wonderful day just the same. Love you!! :-)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Thank you for the sweet b-day shout out! :-)

I read it before now, but thought I'd comment!