We've been busy. It's been great. I have high hopes about job possibilities. Each of these subjects probably deserves its own post--and may very well get one someday. But for now...
We went to Chicago!
(Ben taking photo; me and Katherine in the background; all of us reflected in the bean!)
I decorated for Halloween
(and we have a real pumpkin now; and we're going to carve it!)
We went home to NC
(Words cannot express how much good it did me to see my wonderful friends and family)

In non-pictured news, when we got back from NC, there was a WONDERFUL care package waiting for me from my wonderful co-workers in Chapel Hill. I really should've taken a picture of it, but it had SO many goodies. Pink markers, sticky notes, regular note cards, pasta, pretty coasters, Tupperware, jewelry, soap, stickers, on and on and on. I felt so loved! :-)
We also got a sweet package from my wonderful mother-in-law with cute pumpkin towels and more gifts off our wedding registry--ones I was really wishing we'd gotten! It was another sweet surprise.
Also, my mother took me shopping while I was in NC--to buy clothes for interviews. And those very clothes got complimented at my first interview! Yay for that!
Lastly, I got my hair cut and highlighted right before we went to NC. My mother-in-law gave me a generous gift certificate to my salon, and my sweet mom pitched in when I decided to go for the (more expensive) highlights. I am so glad to have women in my life who appreciate the need for good hair. I am SO GLAD that I got my hair cut and layered--I thought my hair was a permanent tangled mess, but it turns out it was just the cut. Thank goodness!
Well, that's enough randomness for now, I guess. Although Ben and I did go to the Cahokia Indian mounds today. It was a beautiful day, and I took lots of pictures. Quite possibly another post to look forward to!!
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