Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Here are some pictures from our pumpkin carving adventure of almost a week ago. Yes, our pumpkin already started to rot. Yes, it's now sitting outside instead of on our table! Haha. We got one pumpkin at Wal-Mart to carve together. Next year I definitely want to get two. And maybe go to a pumpkin patch! :-)

Ben, before we started carving


Wal-Mart had a pretty good selection of pumpkins! We were pleased. I found a template online to use, and I stuck with a simple one. Neither of us could really remember carving pumpkins on our own, so we didn't want to start out too complicated!

Pumpkin with template

Working with the stencil

(Yes we both wore our Panther's jerseys. No, it did not help the Panthers to a victory. Yes, I would've had one of us change if we had gone out in public. :-)

Ben with the jack o'lantern!

Me with him

Glowing in the dark!

We had fun with the whole process! We also roasted the pumpkin seeds--yum. And now we have a Halloween tradition that we didn't have before we were married. :-)

We don't have big plans for celebrating today, but we did buy some candy "just in case we get any trick-or-treaters" (AKA for us to eat all week and finish eating after tonight!).


Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!

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