Friday, June 19, 2009


Yesterday (with the help of my lovely Garmin), I ventured out of the apartment ON MY OWN. And headed somewhere completely unfamiliar! And didn't even get lost. In fact, I am now pretty sure I will get lost here less times than I have gotten lost in Winston-Salem. I get lost almost every single time I'm in Winston by myself. And I've been to THREE places here by myself so far and haven't gotten lost yet. I think my odds are pretty good. And now I'll get lost here for sure next time I go out, but oh well.

ANYWAY, I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday, which is actually outside of the city of St. Louis. If I were a pro-blogger, I would have taken a picture of the actual store. Not-so-shockingly, it looked like every other Hobby Lobby in the world, so I guess you'll just have to picture it in your mind. If you've never been to a Hobby Lobby--well, let's just say I highly recommend it! I love it and if I weren't poor and unemployed with thousands of dollars worth of student loans, I would love it even more.

I was at Hobby Lobby on a specific mission for the wedding reception, and I'm excited about what I've got planned. I totally planned to insert a picture here, but the picture is so blurry it wouldn't show you a darn thing. Let's just say it involves a picture frame with several pictures. Exciting, huh?

I also bought a lovely embroidery hoop because I am working on cross-stitching a souvenir I bought last time I was at the arch. The hoop has made it MUCH easier, but I am not even going to admit how much time I've spent on the tiny piece of it that is finished. Here is a picture of my first day's work (sans the hoop). The picture of yesterday's work (with hoop) was blurry as well. Cest la'vie.

Very beginning of my cross stitch project

In housewifely news, I cooked dinner last night. Cooking dinner stresses me out. It is fun to try to prepare something to be ready when Ben gets home from work, but I have a lot more fun
cooking with him. I think that's my plan for tonight. In good-fiance news, Ben said he really liked the dinner and took leftovers to work for his lunch today. I didn't think it was all that good myself, but I have years to perfect my cooking skills! :-)


And, as if this post isn't long and rambling enough, here are a couple of the random pictures I menioned in my last post. I think I will wait to post the rest later!

The stadium when Ben and I went to a Cardinal's game back in April.

Another view of the stadium with the arch!


Jen said...

Good job on the cross-stitching! I used to love doing that.

Also, you're so cute taking pictures of your dinner. Believe me, I have a TON of dinner pictures. I'm glad you're enjoying your time as a house-fiance. Getting bored yet? :-)

Jesse said...

Bored is an understatement! I can see how you were going crazy not too long ago. :-)