Thursday, May 21, 2009

Moving Plans

Well, it seems everything has been set into motion. Barring any unforeseen complications (let's hope there aren't any of those!), here is my schedule for the next couple of weeks, as, oh I don't know, MY WHOLE LIFE CHANGES COMPLETELY (not that I'm a tad bit nervous about that).

This weekend:
Move furniture from apartment back home.
Things to do before this actually occurs include:
  • Organizing/packing scrapbooking material so that table can be seen again/moved
  • Organizing/packing everything in my small dresser
  • Organizing/packing everything in my desk
Next week:
Lots of wedding things (woo, fun!!)
Things to do include:
  • Make sure it's not supposed to rain on day portrait is scheduled
  • Pick up newly altered dress; one day before portrait is scheduled...pray that alterations are ok
  • Call bridal shop lady on way to her place to pick up dress to remind her to turn on steamer before I get there so that she can also steam my veil which may or may not have been housed in my trunk for several weeks
  • DON'T FORGET TO TAKE MY SHOES TO LENOIR (oh my goodness, I could totally see myself forgetting them)
  • Attempt to keep newly altered and steamed dress wrinkle-free and dirt-free and pet hair-free at my house in Lenoir (read: impossible task)
  • Pick up bouquet from florist
  • Get hair and make-up done
  • Get pictures made at photographer's studio
  • Get pictures made at park
  • Head back to Chapel Hill that evening
  • Attend small work shower with my ladies at CHPL (read: try not to bawl my eyes out because I just cannot imagine not working with them)
  • Attend big shower at my grandma's on Saturday (WOO!!!!)
The week after that:
Ohmyword, pack my stuff to take to St. Louis because I am officially driving up there starting June 7th and will be up there for good starting June 14th.

Things to do before then include:
  • Pack the remainder of my stuff
  • Sit around and try to figure out how all my stuff will fit into 2 cars
  • Unpack/re-pack as I freak out about fitting everything
  • Bridesmaid dress shop with my best friend since high school!
  • Pack the remainder of my stuff
  • See my friends (I cannot even begin to talk about how I'm leaving my friends)
  • Pack the remainder of my stuff
  • Put all packed items into car
  • Drive 12 hours with jam-packed cars and my cat
So yeah, I've got a few busy weeks ahead, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my breakdowns will be minimal. I haven't even really brought myself to tell everyone that I know when I'm leaving because I just don't want to say goodbye.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Nice First post...keep it up :-)