I am SO thankful for routine and being at work 8 hours a day, but it doesn't make for very interesting blogging material. Of course, I wouldn't think being broke and unemployed would make for very interesting blogging material either, and I still managed to come up with a few things. Every now and then. I'm just not very good at being a blogger who regularly updates, even though I know those blogs are the most interesting and fun to others.
I'll try again for now and just see where it goes. No promises!
In random order, here are some things that have been happening.
I finally ordered some prints of our guest-taken wedding pictures. After six months. I now have some framed and around, and it just makes me happy. The one below is one of my absolute faves--the one the photographer took is just awesome, too. Thanks Matt for capturing it! :-)
Rings and bouquet

I made some Valentine's cards to send out this year. I still haven't tackled ANY scrapbooking since the wedding (which means that I'm behind on scrapbooking stuff from our engagement forward!), but I've been into making cards lately. It's quicker and easier and I love to send cards anyway, so it's been a lot of fun. This was my first batch, and I've been working on some less themed "hello" cards too! :-)
Ben planned a surprise weekend away in Kansas City recently. Home of the world's largest badminton birdie. :-)
Um, oh yeah, I GOT A JOB. Woohoo! I found out about on December 18, and started on January 5. I'm a children's librarian, and I could not be happier to be working and doing what I spent so many years preparing for. It's a huge learning curve, and I feel like I'm all I'm doing (still!) is asking questions and making mistakes, but I'm enjoying myself and doing the best I can.